Fantasy Sports Random Draft Order Generator

Project Type: Website, Application Skills and Software Used: PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap

The Fantasy Sports Random Draft Order Generator is an web application that allows you to enter the names of every team in your league and have your league draft order randomly generated. The web app is written in JavaScript (jQuery) & PHP that allows for up to 30 teams to be entered and randomized.

By default, there are 8 input fields for team names. The default names are Team 1, Team 2, Team 3, etc. To change the amount of teams in the draft, simply select another number from the drop down list and the additional input fields will be generated on-the-fly by JavaScript.

When you click the “Generate Draft Order” button, all the teams are randomized with the PHP shuffle array function and output to a new page in their new draft order.

Since the release of the original version of the website, I’ve added the functionality to Automatically email the draft order results to one or more recipients.
